👉A new campaign launching today, encouraging governments to recommend the regular testing and supplementation of Vitamin D. 👉There is enough evidence now published to show that vitamin D deficiency causes higher death rates from Covid-19 and your status of vitamin D is a risk factor for development and progression of the disease. 👉Yet there is still very little advice to the public on what level to supplement at (the current advice is a low dose) and little to no advice about testing your personal levels. As a result there is growing pressure on the government to change their recommendations. 👉It is estimated that up to 75% of the world is deficient in vitamin D interfering with immune system function as well as increasing risk of cancers, heart disease, IBD, osteoporosis and autoimmune diseases such as MS. 👉Vitamin D supplements don’t cost a lot and if new trials using higher doses of Vitamin D prove successful, this could potentially provide a cheaper and more accessible preventative route in global efforts against CV-19. 👉Remember vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. It’s always best to test your levels BEFORE supplementing at higher doses. Get in touch today if you need more information. #cv19 #vitamind #testandtake #anh #nutritionmatters #nutritionaltherapy #supplementation #vitaminsandminerals #evidencebasednutrition #gingerandpicklesnutrition
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Sloes, hawthorns and the last of the blackberries from our last foraging spree. Well, we all need something to look forward to this Christmas!
#foraging #hedgerow #fieldtobottle #sloegin #drinkresponsibly #foragedfood #bristolfoodie #gingerandpicklesnutrition PLEASE don’t waste food 🙏🎃🍁Don’t threw out out the rest of the pumpkin when you’ve finished carving it - the waste is incredible here in the UK and so unnecessary! Here are some ideas - even just roasting the very nutritious seeds. Recipes to follow...
📸: @Rachelraisin #pumpkin #pumpkinpicking #pumpkincarving #pumpkinrecipes #seasonaleating #foodwaste #foodwastewarriors #gingerandpicklesnutrition 🎃🌼 Did you know that every part of a pumpkin is actually edible? Leaves, seeds, rind. But the best part, in my opinion, is definitely the flowers so here is an old Italian favourite (also eaten a lot in Asia) These are just so so good. Everyone in the fam likes them and now I don’t have to worry about producing pumpkins we’re enjoying these flower snacks.
👩🏻🍳 50g plain flour with sparkling water and a dash of salt to make a quick batter 🧡Dip the fresh flowers in and fry until golden on each side. What a smashing way to end our pumpkin growing season. Or nearly 🎃🎃🎃.... #pumpkinseason #pumpkinrecipes #autumnalfood #seasonaleating #gyo #gardentoplate #frommygarden #bristolfoodie #nutritionmatters #halloween #gingerandpicklesnutrition Colours ❤️💚❤️
My homegrown tomatoes, leeks and courgettes. This is going to turn into a proud ratatouille for me! When NT’s or dieticians talk about “eating a rainbow” or lots of different colours throughout the day it’s because in nature different colours in foods have different health benefits. So eating a wide variety of coloured foods throughout the day increases the amount of nutrients you are getting into yourself. I always ask my clients focus on this mentality rather than the old and tired “5 a day”! Public health England figures show that less 1/3 of us manage to achieve this anyway, so rather than obsessing about numbers this might be more achievable by making your plate colourful! Eating the same thing (eg eating toast for breakfast then sandwiches for lunch) is not going to provide you with the nutrients your body craves - no single food can. So fill your life and plate with colour - try and get your children interested in eating a rainbow - and watch how good you feel 🤸♂️🌈🤸♂️ #eatarainbow #colourfulfood #foodlove #growyourownfood #gyo #gardentoplate #foodasmedicine #vegetarianfood #veganfood #youarewhatyoueat #bristolfoodie #enjoyfood #healthyfood #vegstagram #veggiesrock #gingerandpicklesnutrition 🌙 It’s getting harder isn’t it? Getting up in the morning and motivating ourselves. The dark starts to the day are beginning to creep into the morning routine along with the thicker coats and the start of snotty noses. 🙏But after a year like no other in living memory, autumn feels uncertain and a little scary for sure. The science has been emerging over the summer about things we can do to protect ourselves in advance and this was debated in parliament this week, as there were calls for a simple vitamin to be made widely available on the NHS. 🌞 Vitamin D. Not really a vitamin used by the body more like a hormone - absolutely and crucially essential to so many functions in our body. And if you live in the northern hemisphere, it is almost impossible to obtain enough vitamin D through sunlight alone during the autumn/winter when the suns UV levels are too low. Vitamin D is rare in that humans obtain the majority from sunshine as most people don’t eat enough of the specific vitamin D rich foods to obtain from diet alone. 🌼I recommend to ALL my clients that Vitamin D is taken during the colder months (Oct-March) in this country - regardless of pandemics! This extends to year round and/or higher doses for people with darker skin colour, and people with certain chronic conditions which is also the advice given by the NHS. (Breastfed babies and children should also be supplemented following NHS guidelines). ☝️Some of the science emerging now * suggests that if you are deficient, you are possibly twice as likely to contract Covid-19. And one large study ** shows that it does seem to potentially reduce the severity of the virus in those patients given vitamin D once hospitalised. ✍🏻 Finally what is becoming more and more apparent, is that dosage could be key when understanding how to use this preventatively. As with all vitamins and minerals it is recommended that you seek advice from a trained professional such as a nutritional therapist, before self supplementing. #vitamind #sunshinevitamin #immunesystem #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionmatters #gingerandpicklesnutrition |
AuthorLouise Cullen Archives
October 2020