Elderflower cordial with some beautiful starflowers floating on top. Every part of starflower (also known as Borage) is edible and absolutely adored by bees and gardeners alike 🐝. The flowers can be added as pretty garnishes to salads, or made into ice cubes (lovely in G&T’s😉) The leaves and stem can be used in salads too and tastes a bit cucumber-y as it’s from the cucumber family. In fact borage was in the original recipe for PIMMS for flavour (fact 👌)
The leaves can also be ground and made into a tea and the seeds are made into an oil which is excellent for skin and hair, and often used on inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema. This is because borage is high in GLA, an omega 6 fatty acid which is known to be nourishing to cells and anti-inflammatory and is also sometimes used in female hormonal issues such as PMS or the menopause to correct any fatty acid imbalance. One last EXCELLENT starflower fact: an old wives tales is that borage should be smuggled into the meals of jittery men, to help them find the courage to propose. So if you know anyone that needs to put a ring on it, this might be the herb for you 🖐💫 #starflower #borage #antiinflammatory #gla #eczema #pmsproblems #menopause #fattyacids #putaringonit #herbalmedicine #herbs #herbalifenutrition #nutritionaltherapy #gingerandpicklesnutrition
If you’re new to foraging, this is a lovely one to start with. In season now through June, you can make a whole load of lovely things with these beautiful flowers including the classic cordial (and lollies 😉) Only pick as many as you need, as the flowers turn into elderberries (another foraging favourite) but also an important food source for many birds. The elder tree was much revered in England, for it was believed to be inhabited by a spirit - the elder mother - therefore bad luck to take wood from this tree. Every part of the tree is useful, though all apart from the flowers and berries can be poisonous, like the elder mother, harmful and healing. Check out @woodlandtrust for some lovely recipes. Off to enjoy an ice lolly today - happy bank holiday all 🌞#foraging #wildfood #hedgerow #wildfoodlove #hedgerowharvest #foragedfood #seasonaleating #foragingandfeasting #aseasonalyear #elderflowers #gingerandpicklesnutrition
So many new flavours for my new found hobby, and the children really love them so they are happily drinking their probiotics. Very much enjoying playing with my new drinks. With added health benefits too. Beats the (less-good-for-you) hobbies I had in my 20’s anyway 😉 🍾#sorrynotsorry #kombucha #healthylifestyle #bristolfoodie #gutfriendly #fermenteddrinks #bacteria #healthyfamily #guthealth #microbiome #booch #gutgarden #kombuchabrewing #gingerandpicklesnutrition
Lots of people enjoy herbal teas. As well as increasing your water intake herbal teas can have a medicinal effect due to the herbs and can make effective remedies. There are some great brands out there making lovely blends (@pukkaherbs being a firm favourite of mine) but making your own simple fresh herbal teas is also so easy.
My new morning routine is a cup of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) which we grow outside the backdoor in a little pot. It grows ferociously so dead easy, and requires no green fingers! Lemon balm is a lovely herb (member of the mint family) which is often used to reduce stress, anxiety and boost cognitive function. It has anti viral properties so sometimes used in topically in balms for cold sores. It’s often used as a digestive tonic or to help sleep but I find a cup in the morning extremely calming and sets me up for the day. I would certainly recommend this to most people to replace one of their daily cups of caffeine especially if you’re feeling stressed or anxious (which caffeine can exacerbate). Enjoy the calm ☕️ #herbs #herbalife #herbalmedicine #herbalfascination #nutritionaltherapy #lemonbalm #herbaltea #tealover #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #tealoversofinstagram #gingerandpicklesnutrition This was SUCH a big hit in my house I gained the ‘best mummy ever’ accolade for around 15 whole minutes!
We had these ingredients in, but I appreciate they aren’t so common for everybody to have especially at the moment. Cacao is the purest form of chocolate and is processed differently to cocoa powder so better nutritionally (great magnesium and iron, but also lead so don’t overdo it!) But you could easily substitute this for Cocoa powder. Ingredients: 1 carton of silken tofu, 1/4 cup cacao powder, 1/4 cup maple syrup, 1tsp vanilla essence. Method: Mix together (I used a blender) serve into individual glasses and put it in the fridge to set for at least an hour. Serves 4. My kids eat a mostly vegetarian diet but I don’t worry about protein as they eat lots of plant based sources and they do eat meat occasionally when they want it. But I can’t get them to eat tofu as an alternative high protein source, they hate it. Until now 😎 Happy weekend all #chocolatemousse #kidsfood #kidsnutrition #protein #cacao #kidfriendlyfood #lockdownrecipes #cookingwithkids #healthyfamily #tofurecipes #tofu #kidsfoodideas #bristolfoodie #dessert #gingerandpicklesnutrition So lockdown means I finally completed this 1000 piece periodic table jigsaw - it’s all rock and roll here 🤘
I bought this at the beginning of my Biomed year back in 2013 to help me properly learn my periodic table. I’m not going to lie, learning nutrition for three years was a LOT more science-y than I ever could have imagined (or wanted) and was definitely a bit of a shock! Food was barely discussed until our second year 😬 But I’m so glad we were taught in this way, as I have an acute respect for the human body now, and I actually understand some of the processes involved in our physiology. This is important as a NT so we can make recommendations backed by science, not from the internet, not from a sensationalist BBC1 programme or because it said so in the Daily Mail! Nutrition is complex and ever evolving and it really does depend on the person. It is not as black and white as people imagine. What is good for me might not be good for you. In this way it really is a giant jigsaw (see what I did there?!) so always take your nutritional advice from someone QUALIFIED and also hopefully someone who knows your particular history and circumstances. #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionmatters #evidencebasednutrition #healthyfamily #gingerandpicklesnutrition b r e a d 🍞 Anyone else found themselves out of bread recently? I keep getting caught short with having enough food at the moment, especially at lunchtime - the perfect storm of having all members of the house eating three meals a day at home plus food shopping is obviously a lot less convenient! No more nipping to the bakers 😬 I came across this SUPER simple recipe by @jamieoliver which uses just two ingredients and makes the nicest fluffy coconut bread and is so so easy to make. We’ve used this for open sandwiches, as a base for pizza and it goes beautifully with a curry as a naan equivalent. Enjoy!
Ingredients: 1 x 400g tin coconut milk 450g self-raising flour (we only had wholemeal flour and that worked fine). Mix together in a bowl with a pinch of sea salt to form the dough. Separate into 8 balls and flatten to around 10cm each. Heat up some butter and olive oil in a pan and fry each round turning it over once as it starts to go golden and puff up. GORGEOUS! #lockdownrecipes #jamieoliverrecipe #breadmaking #bread #veganrecipes #cookingwithkids #healthyeating #kidsfood #kidsfoodideas #familyrecipes #lunchideas #bristolfoodie #lunchideasforkids #gingerandpicklesnutrition |
AuthorLouise Cullen Archives
October 2020